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Spice Up Your Life: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Marjoram

Julia SirchiaJune 13th, 2024Are you a fan of fresh aromatic herbs in your dishes? If so, growing marjoram right at home might just become your new favorite hobby. In this guide, we’ll explore how to grow marjoram at home. We’ll highlight growing conditions, pest and disease management strategies, and seasonal considerations specific to marjoram cultivation in Central Florida. […]

Ways to water: Drip Irrigation

Julia SirchiaJune 11th, 2024What is Drip Irrigation? Instead of showering plants with water from above like sprinklers, drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation. This type of irrigation consists of a network of tubes, called drip lines or emitters, that release water gently at the base of each plant. The Benefits of Drip Irrigation Cool, right? The good […]

Spice Up You Life: A Beginners Guide to Growing Sage

Julia SirchiaJune 6th, 2024Do you enjoy cooking with fresh herbs or admiring them in your garden? If so, growing sage at home could become your new favorite hobby. In this guide, we’ll explore how to grow Sage in Central Florida, featuring varieties that thrive in the region, essential growing conditions, pest and disease management, and seasonality. Commonly Grown […]

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